End of Tricks For Megadog
jjjjjj One fine morning
in a little city called "Faerie
City", there was a Jubjub that loved
to play tricks. This Jubjub was called
Megadogtough. He used to fool all of the
pets that lived with him. Some of
Megadogs tricks would get him into
trouble, but that didn't stop him from
doing more next time. On this day,
Megadog was thinking of a good trick to
play on Techo his brother. The only thing
that he could think of was to make Techo
think that he was missing, and hide where
no one could find him. He was chuckling
and giggling all the time through
breakfast, and the others could not
figure out what was so funny. They would
ask Megadog but the only response they
got was just another chuckle or giggle.
After breakfast was finished all the pets
went outside to play and have some fun.
Megadog knew that this was the perfect
time to play his little trick on Techo.
While all of the pets where playing
Faerie Caves, Megadog told Techo, since
he was the oldest, that he would be right
back and to go on ahead and finish
playing the game. Techo continued to play
and one of his sisters Chuu had won the
jjjjjj Techo checked
their neopian home again, just to make
sure that he wasnt just hiding on them.
But he turned up nothing to even show
where he could be at. The search
continued on into where the poogle races
were and even at the hidden towers. They
checked the employment agency and the
bookshop too. The day was going on as
they all searched and worried about
Megadog. Day became night and pets were
starting to think that Megadog would
never get found. The search came to a
halt when it was too dark to see, and
they called in the neopian police to see
if they could help in the search for
Megadog. The police got their flash
lights and Puppyblews out to help in
looking for him. The hours seemed to pas
quickly and before they knew it, the
sunrise had started to come up. Megadog
woke up to a beam of sunlight that shined
through the crack in the porch. He
started to wonder what happened to
someone finding him, then tears came down
his cheek.
jjjjjj Megadog got up
from under the porch and looked around to
see who he could find. The search had
ended earlier and everyone had gone
inside to wait to see if they had heard
from Megadog. Once he realized that no
one was outside looking for him, he ran
up to the door of the house and peeked in
the tiny window. There was his family,
sleeping away. He went on in the house
and up to Eagle_eyes room. Tipping toe
over to the bed where she layed, Megadog
called out her name in a small whisper
voice. Eagle_eye woke up. Realizing who
she was seeing, she sat up quickly.
"Where were you? Are you ok? Are you
hurt?" where the questions that came
from her right away. Megadog told her
what had happened and the trick that he
tried to play on Techo. Eagle_eye scooped
him up into her arms and told him that
everyone in Faerie City and Faerie Land
were out there looking for him. Megadog
began to cry again when he started
thinking about everyone that was out
there looking, and that Eagle_eye, Chuu
and Techo were so worried. "I
promise that I will never play another
trick on anyone again and I am sorry for
what I had done" were the words that
came out of his mouth before drifting off
to sleep in Eagle_eyes arms. She gave him
a kiss on the cheek and laid him down to